Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm finally back!!!

OMG!  I can't believe this week!!!  My computer cord fried right in front of me Monday and I've had to wait until Friday to get a replacement!  Finally it is here and I am able to pick up where I left off which was.....recognizing that I finally reached 50 followers (woohoo and a big thanks!) and writing about beginning of the year thinking process!!!  Or at least how my thinking process works!  So...

I am so excited!  I have finally reached 50 followers!  I know I promised to  include 5 freebies for you!  But I just can't figure out how to do it.  I've tried but with no luck.  I am researching this though and as soon as I do, I am going to post these freebies.  They aren't fancy AT ALL!!!  I love all the cute graphics and designs that everyone uses but I'm not there yet...heck I can't even figure out how to post the silly documents anyway!   Again, thanks for your patience with me while I learn the blogging thing.  If anyone can help me I sure would appreciate it.  This is what I am trying to do:
  1. learn to upload to google docs so that it won't change the format or images I've already created.  The last doc I uploaded all the pictures and borders I added were gone!!!
  2. find a way to get my documents on my posts so that there is a picture for people to click AND once they click it they see the document in google docs so they can grab it. 
  3. or learn any other way to get my documents on the post so people can have them.  

Thanks again for following my blog.  I promise some changes very soon.

  1. I really want a new blog design!!! I want to learn how to change backgrounds and add a heading so my blog will better represent me.  Any tips???  So far, no luck with finding the plain white blog design :( 
  2. I am going to start writing about my class and how I teach specific lessons/procedures/strategies.  But I don't have any pictures (thank you crashed computer of '10 waaa :'(   )and I was afraid that they would be boring posts so I've delayed doing that.  I am going to try to make it work anyway...Starting with the beginning of school and all its glory!!  From set up to lessons to classroom management.  That is coming up first.
  3. I am going to learn to add freebies to grab! A big thank you very much to Jenna at diving in to learning for trying to teach me how to post them.  Hopefully I will figure it out someday!

This year I am back in second grade where I belong!  Last year as a favor to my P, I taught 5th grade ELA.  I was one of a small few that had the credentials to teach 5th so I told her I would.  But...it wasn't for me.  I missed my little kiddos so much.  I got moved back for this year and I am so excited.  I was finally able to get into my new room.  You know that feeling of shock and anxiety? Big D and little C are showing how I feel pretty nicely!  AAAAAGGGHHHHH!
Do you get that when you go into your classroom for the first time since the summer?  This is what my room looks like as of now.

Most of my stuff got placed in the new room but some of it is in a different room!  I can't actually go back to work in my room until Aug 1 to solve the problem.  But I don't know if that will happen because of other commitments but I know that I will feel so much better when my room is done.  We go back August 20 but technically only 1 day is devoted to teacher workday.  I couldn't even arrange my room in one day!!!  So I go early on my own time because I want things perfect and inviting.  I could never do that in one day!  Do you feel the same?  Are you an early bird or do you work better getting things done during your school days?

Starting this week I am going to write about the beginning of school-activities and procedures!  So check back soon!  Also I'll post pics as soon as I get into my room and start working!

thanks so much everyone!

Keep Coming Back!


  1. Your welcome. Just let me know if there is anything else I can do to help :)


  2. Glad to see that you are back! I always go into my classroom before Teacher Report Day! I could never get my room done in one day. I would be so stressed. I have gone into my classroom for about three total days so far and I still have those little things that need to be done. I am going to be posting pictures soon of the before and after. Our teacher report day is August 7th and our students come on August 15. We have many, many in-services those first days of school for teachers but we also do get two days to work in our rooms. It's still not enough time but we will take it. Many Blessings!

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  3. Ugh we have technically ONE teacher work day too. It's ridiculous!!! How in the world would we even be able to get things done in that time frame? Luckily I have been able to do some work since last week. I like taking it slow and steady for sure! Good luck with the remaking of your room, and glad to hear you are back where your heart is! That's so important :) I'll be in second grade this year too! Finally my first year being in the same grade! For the past 5 years, I have changed grades and positions every time.. it's nice to have some stability this time around :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  4. Hello! I was reading through some of your blog posts!! I am teaching 2nd grade this year too! I have nominated your blog for a Liebster Award! Stop by my blog to check it out!

